'Decomposing the Tower of Babel' derived from our notion that language lacks the ability to fully feel in with someone, to feel a strong connection and to feel a really tight form of togetherness. We feel that, like the story of The Tower of Babel tells us, human beings were able to understand each other clearly. And that at some point because of greed and distancing as a collective from love we lost this ability to truly feel in with each other, to feel a true connection beyond words. Out of need to still communicate with each other we invented spoken language and writing.

'Decomposing the Tower of Babel' is an experiment to feel this connection again through kinaesthetic practices; so through watching someone dance. But what happens if the person who you are watching is anticipating on you as the one watching? We translate what the audience is going through, by connecting the heartbeat and the movement made by the audience to music, which the dancers then anticipate on. This way we are creating a loop between the dancers and the one that is connected to the device.

Decomposing the Tower of Babel

This project is about finding new ways (or forgotten ways) to communicate with each other, to feel in with each other and to feel the strongest connection possible. Like in nature we are breaking down this old way of thinking and acting and from this era we are growing into a new form of life. A life where we can feel in with each other more and feel a true connection between all beings...


Between Dimensions, a short film


Pharaoh's Treasure, 12 pieces of ceramics